
Cathy is a visionary and a leader.  She has built a strong team around a social mission and disciplined business practice to improve the quality of life for many people with intellectual disabilities. Quality training and support programs and astute business development techniques have resulted in a caring organization that is able to do so much for community because of the blended values "Social impact meets smart business" approach she has instilled in every level of the organization. 

Cathy is currently the Executive Director of DASC Industries a dynamic social enterprise. She is dedicated to mission-driven business that supports community, arts and culture, and the environment.




My passion, and my fight, for inclusivity have always informed who I am in my professional and personal life. The current awakening to the fundamental truth that no lives matter until Black Lives Matter is long overdue – especially here in the Halifax Regional Municipality and its communities.


I will work to bring a greater awareness to the past and continued racism and abuses experienced by Indigenous peoples and commit to working to bring an end to it here in our local government, our police force and greater community


As Councillor for District 1, I will strive to ensure that HRM first and foremost, does all that it can to protect the health and safety of our citizens, particularly the most vulnerable.

On October 17th- VOTE for me as YOUR voice in District 1 as Councillor for Waverley Fall River Musquodoboit Valley and all the communities within our district.

So how do we do that together … in Community?

Home to over 21,000 people, we live in one of the most diverse areas of our beautiful city.  Living and working together- we are a modern and vibrant community encompassing everything from families to farm land.  

Cathy in Community!

Yes, its official- I have declared as candidate for District 1 - Waverley, Fall River and the Musquodoboit Valley communities!!  It’s time for me to put myself where my heart is!  Facing the issues that affect us all- head on- in an as transparent and open process as possible!  


In Community…

We Listen!

What are the shared issues in our community- heavy traffic volumes, lack of public transportation, no clear understanding of municipal water service plans, the needs of our senior residents and a lack of affordable housing to name a few!   

While I am passionate about the common challenges we face, I won’t pretend to know them all!   What I can tell you is that I plan to bring all my skills and talents to focus on what really matters to you, to our community and to our city at large.  

We Engage!

Having open conversations to publicly discuss our shared vision for the future, and having representation that listens to you and your concerns- is the first step we need to take together!   

As an experienced advocate- I have learnt to listen first, and then recognize & work hard to overcome obstacles & challenges.  With my passion and drive, I will engage with you in our community and revive the spirit that we share- whether it’s town hall meetings, always having an open door policy, and being active and engaged at all levels of government- to better Our Community today!  

We Represent YOU! 

We Represent YOU!  Using my extensive business experience, leadership in social enterprise and the nonprofit sector, as well as my commitment to making my community a better place to live, work and play- I will be combining these strengths to help shape our common future!  

As a skilled business person and negotiator- operating a multi-million dollar nonprofit organization for the past 24 years; negotiating with all three levels of government on everything from land acquisition through to capital budgets- I bring drive, determination and an ethic for hard work to the table.


We Act!

Now more than ever is a need for Planning & Action- I find myself at a point where I recognize the need for significant change & the hard work necessary to move forward successfully in an uncertain future.  Always pragmatic, I believe that one can never be too prepared!

As a founding  member of the NS Non-Profit COVID Coalition, I look  toward the future and what pandemics and the new normal will mean for our local economy and the business community at large.  Having navigated government programs and resources, I have acquired a skill set that shares deep respect and concern for the safety and well-being of all, as well as a clear understanding of the economic realities all businesses face in this rapidly changing world.  

We Live Together!  

Lastly, but certainly not the least- my passion for a fully inclusive society will always be part of who I am and what I do in life.   Today, it is never more important to acknowledge our Black and Indigenous Citizens and work within all communities to end systemic racial injustices and prejudice.  We must work towards an inclusive society that benefits all of its citizens equally, without regard for race, creed, or ability.  


This is my passion and promise to you.  Together we can make a better tomorrow… In Community today!

Thank you for your support, advice, and comments and most importantly for YOUR vote on October 17th!

Cathy in Community!